Friday, February 03, 2017

Why am I Just Now Learning of This?

Especially with Perfect Weiner Replacement David Weprin making sure that someday, infidels could be pulled over by a badge in a burqa -- provided she's accompanied by male relatives.

Hey, I wonder how a "Stand for Her Right to Uncover" campaign would fare in the places these people fled ...?

"Progressives" telling us how liberating it is might want to ask these gals.

On second thought, they're clearly wrong, because "Allah knows best" (and tell me that wouldn't be a great title for a sitcom).


Steve said...

I'm wondering what the reaction would be if a Christian church required women to cover their hair.

Ed said...

Anonymous said...

Which is the sadder irony? That they are organizing to show their "support" for a religious garment of a terrorist death-cult, or that the garment in question also marks women as expensive property that can talk?

Whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.